新建网页 1

Chandelier size calculation


Selecting the right size chandelier depends on its location, the size of the room(Length * width), height of the ceiling, Here are some tips you may find helpful before you make your purchase.

Foyer – Entryway
height of the ceiling
Recommend Chandelier Height
2.8m -3m 20cm - 30cm
3.1m - 3.5m 40cm - 50cm
3.6m - 4m 60cm - 100cm
4.1m - 4.5m 110cm - 150cm
4.6m - 5m 160cm - 200cm
5.1m - 6m 210cm - 300cm
6.1m - 8m 310cm - 450cm
Room Size(L*W)
Recommend chandelier width
10㎡or less 30cm
11㎡ - 15㎡ 40cm - 50cm
16㎡ - 20㎡ 55cm -65cm
21㎡ - 25㎡ 70cm-75cm
26㎡ - 30㎡ 80cm-90cm
31㎡ - 35㎡ 95cm-100cm
36㎡ - 40㎡ 100cm-110cm
45㎡ - 50㎡ 110cm-120cm
51㎡ - 60㎡ 120cm-150cm
61㎡ - 70㎡ 150cm-180cm
71㎡ - 80㎡ 180cm-200cm
81㎡ - 100㎡ 200cm-250cm

height of the ceiling
Recommend Chandelier Height
2.8m -3m 40cm - 60cm
3.1m - 3.5m 65cm - 100cm
3.6m - 4m 100cm - 150cm
Room Size(L*W)
Recommend chandelier width
10㎡or less 30cm
11㎡ - 15㎡ 40cm - 50cm
16㎡ - 20㎡ 55cm -65cm
21㎡ - 25㎡ 70cm-75cm
26㎡ - 30㎡ 80cm-90cm
If you need more information, please contact our sales staff.


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